Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Little Rest
It hasn't been too fun around here lately. I was sick (again) and this time it came back with a vengeance! I usually am able to stop my colds/sinus infections if I catch them early enough but not this time. On top of that, Jack had a cough and was not his usual self. It is hard being a Mom when you are sick and all you really want is your own Mom to come take care of you. We managed as best as we could though and now we are both on the up swing of this sickness.
We also found out last Sunday that Seth's Grandma passed away. She had not been doing well for some time but it is always sad to hear that news. She loved seeing pictures of Jack on here and talking to me on Sundays about all the new things he is doing. She will be greatly missed but we are comforted by the fact that she is with the Lord now.
We also found out last Sunday that Seth's Grandma passed away. She had not been doing well for some time but it is always sad to hear that news. She loved seeing pictures of Jack on here and talking to me on Sundays about all the new things he is doing. She will be greatly missed but we are comforted by the fact that she is with the Lord now.
We spent some mornings in the steamy bathroom to help our congestion.
Sick but still happy!
This is before we both got sick...
Playing with our porch pumpkins.
Touching our fall wreath.
Keeping an eye on everything outside!
In the mouth, Jack's favorite way of transporting things!
"Here you go, Dad!"
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pumpkin Patch
I'm sure you could tell from yesterday's picture that we went to the pumpkin patch. I'm so glad we did because we had such a fun family time! Jack got to ride in a wagon (he LOVED it!), touch the pumpkins, pose for pictures behind peep holes (did NOT love it!), and enjoy the crisp fall breeze.
This was all set up just for photo shoots. Love it!
Here is the whole peep board fiasco. Jack would push his hands and feet against the board so we couldn't stick his little head out! Who knows? We tried.
"I'm not interested in being a great pumpkin."
We tried again...definitely not!
Oh, well. Maybe next year!
So many to choose from!
He had the biggest smile in the wagon!
I love my little pumpkin baby :-)
We wandered around looking for the perfect pumpkin to take home. We left our wagon on one side of the patch so we could search.
I think we found it!
Jack waited patiently for his ride to arrive.
Here it comes!
Yup, he sees it coming!
Going home with a pumpkin in each hand!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
11 Months!
11 months!
Today Jack turned 11 months! There have been some big changes since last month. He got another tooth on the bottom. He says "uh-oh" multiple times a day. He doesn't always say it in the right context but most of the time he is right! The big news is that he is standing! He thinks it is quite fun to pull up on all kinds of things until he realizes he has to get back down. :-)
This is the last time for the star so, Jack was thrilled to finally get the chance to touch it...
and this is why he wasn't allowed to touch it the previous months!
This is Jack's "scanimation" book that his Dad got him on his recent work trip. It is such a fun book to read to him. He smiles so big when the animals move!
One morning, Jack thought it was necessary to push the vacuum out of the laundry room. He is such a crazy baby!
Here is a little glimpse into how his curiosity gets him into trouble sometimes...
He didn't think it was funny but I had to laugh and grab my camera (of course)!
I am having a hard time believing that next month he will be 1 year old! We love you so much buddy!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Wow this was the week for birthdays! My brother, Jeremy, my father-in-law, Tom, and my sister, Megan all turned another year older. Funny how Jeremy and Megan were both born in the beginning of October and Kari and myself were both born in the beginning of February! Well, I think it is interesting anyway!
We hope your birthdays were extra special this year. We love you all!
His Little Pumpkin
Jack's Grammy gave him a pumpkin. An adorable Jack-sized pumpkin that he loves! He holds it, pats it, examines it, rolls it, watches it turn right side up, and he can't resist a little nibble now and then! It is awfully cute to watch! Thanks Grammy!
We were going to go to the pumpkin patch yesterday but it wasn't open. I ended up at the Salvation Army and they just happened to have a big bin full of white pumpkins (which I love!). Free pumpkins! The lady gave me a bag and told me to take as many as I wanted. Yes ma'am! We still might make it to the pumpkin patch but free is always nice!
We have been enjoying the warm temp's but it is hard to get in the autumn mode when you are forced to break out the capri's and flip flops again! Maybe I will get my fall decorations out today...maybe.
We were going to go to the pumpkin patch yesterday but it wasn't open. I ended up at the Salvation Army and they just happened to have a big bin full of white pumpkins (which I love!). Free pumpkins! The lady gave me a bag and told me to take as many as I wanted. Yes ma'am! We still might make it to the pumpkin patch but free is always nice!
We have been enjoying the warm temp's but it is hard to get in the autumn mode when you are forced to break out the capri's and flip flops again! Maybe I will get my fall decorations out today...maybe.
Examining his pumpkin
Something was funny :-)
Sweet pumpkin-loving boy!
Crazy hair blowing in the wind!
The day has come.
It is getting harder to get him to look at the camera!
Not quite sure what he is doing here...probably trying to eat grass!
I'm thankful for these thrifted Robeez shoes.
Maybe now he will keep his socks on!
Friday, October 8, 2010
This Moment ~ Standing!
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. inspired by soulemama
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Natural Cleaning
In one of my comments, I had a request to share some of my natural cleaning recipes. I am happy to oblige!
I am very sensitive to the smell of traditional cleaners so, I enjoy making my own plus it is frugal, healthier for us, and it works! I have found some of my recipes on the internet and some from this book, Better Basics for the Home. I highly recommend it for it's wealth of information and great recipes.
I actually made a soft scrub today to clean my least favorite chore...the shower! Before I had this cleaner I really, really disliked cleaning tubs but now it is bearable and it has just 2 ingredients... baking soda and dish soap! Here's how to make it and please excuse the photography. (What can I say, my house has only 3 windows so, that doesn't make for a very picture friendly atmosphere sometimes!)

I am very sensitive to the smell of traditional cleaners so, I enjoy making my own plus it is frugal, healthier for us, and it works! I have found some of my recipes on the internet and some from this book, Better Basics for the Home. I highly recommend it for it's wealth of information and great recipes.
I actually made a soft scrub today to clean my least favorite chore...the shower! Before I had this cleaner I really, really disliked cleaning tubs but now it is bearable and it has just 2 ingredients... baking soda and dish soap! Here's how to make it and please excuse the photography. (What can I say, my house has only 3 windows so, that doesn't make for a very picture friendly atmosphere sometimes!)
Gather your ingredients
I used 1/4 cup of baking soda for 1 bathtub. 1/2 cup usually allows me to clean 3 sinks and 1 tub.
Then I squirt dish soap until it covers the top (I know very precise!).
Stir and add some more dish soap until you have a frosting like consistency.
That's all there is to it! Plop into your tub (or sink, etc.), scrub a little and let it sit for a few minutes, if needed. Finish scrubbing and admire your clean tub while resisting the urge to tell everyone who uses the tub to make sure they are clean before entering it! *sigh*
Another favorite of mine is an all-purpose cleaner. You only need 3 ingredients for this one.
-1/4 cup of white vinegar
-1/2 tsp. liquid dish soap
-3/4 cup of warm water
I triple this recipe and store it in a spray bottle to use in my bathrooms, kitchen, etc.
For my glass cleaner, I use club soda transferred to a spray bottle. Pretty easy, right?!
These are the basic ingredients for making cleaning supplies...Borax, Baking Soda, Washing Soda, dish soap, castile soap, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol (used to make a Pergo floor cleaner). I go through Costco size vinegar and baking soda the most (couple times a year) but the rest last a.very.long.time!
This is the majority of my cleaning supplies. I do buy some natural cleaners also. I have made toilet bowl cleaners in the past but I wasn't 100% satisfied so I have been trying out different ones as needed. Also, who can live without a Magic Eraser handy?!
If you are interested in trying out some natural cleaners these companies sent me samples for free! I emailed 7th Generation, Biokleen, Dr. Bronners, etc. and asked for coupons/samples and I got a great response! Give it a try!
Laundry items
I have made laundry soap in the past as well but I am hooked on Naturoli Soap Nuts for my detergent now! It does a great job with my laundry (even diapers!) and it only costs pennies per load! I use vinegar in my downy ball to soften/freshen my towels. Dryer balls are another fantastic money saver and natural alternative to fabric softener/dryer sheets. I use Eucalan for my wool diaper cover and Grapefruit Seed Extract helped clean Jack's diapers after he had a yeast infection. GSE actually has many wonderful uses beyond laundry and it has an indefinite shelf life.
Well, there you have it! More than you ever wanted to know about my cleaners! I will leave you with a few pictures of Jack "helping" me clean!
"Hey Mom, I'll help you unload this!"
"It's pretty dusty over here."
That's not helping, Jack!
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