
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Days of Summer

The days of summer are quickly fleeting.  We have been busy with random things all month.  I am growing, Jack is growing and I'm just trying to keep up!  Here are a few peeks into our days...

You know it is time for a haircut when you wake up from your nap looking like this!

Jack started taking my pots out of the kitchen on a daily basis so I purchased a child size set for his birthday this year.  I guess we will find out in a few months if he likes them as much as the real thing!

We have gotten lots of joy out of our tomato plant this month.  
I don't think I have ever heard the word "yum" more than when Jack ate bruschetta for the first time!

We visited our local county fair one evening.  Jack loved the petting zoo, fair food, people watching, spending time with his grandparents and keeping tabs on the helicopter rides flying above us.

He coaxed this horse out of the corner and we all enjoyed watching their interactions.

He was so happy with himself!

Jack has discovered pockets!  He proudly struts around with my cell phone in his shirt pocket but nothing is cuter than when he just walks around with his hand in his pocket.  The other day, all three of us were in the grocery store for a quick trip.  Jack was thrilled that on this visit he was allowed to walk around while holding Seth's hand.  At one point, Seth had me turn around to see Jack happily walking beside his dad, one hand holding his and the other in his pocket.  It melted this mom's heart!  Love that boy! :-)

Friday, August 12, 2011

This Moment ~ The Baby Is...

We are all VERY excited here!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Christmas in July, um August!

We have been doing our best to stay cool during these hot summer months.  We have been enjoying dips in our pool (storage container), smoothies in drink and popsicle form and a little preparation for the cooler months.  Christmas has been on my brain lately.  Every year,  I always try to get a head start on crafts and gifts. This year is even more important with the baby due at the beginning of December.

Staying cool

After Christmas last year,  I purchased clearance fabric for a project that I thought would suit our family very well.  For months I had been putting it off basically because sewing isn't exactly easy for me.  The thought of having to change the thread and bobbin, let alone wind the bobbin-oh my, too scary!  I almost convinced myself that the aqua thread on the machine would look lovely with my fabric, ahem.  I finally decided to stop being a baby and just do it.  There was definitely frustration and calls to my mother but eventually I figured it out and then I started threading the machine without looking at the manual, quite the miracle!  Once, I figured out more of the mechanics it didn't seem as scary anymore and I actually started to enjoy it.  So, I finished TWO projects!

Jack happily played on our bed while I sewed.

I made 35 cloth gift bags in assorted sizes.  I probably will have to add to the stash after we see how the sizes work out this year ( I made a LOT of small ones) but I am pretty happy with the outcome.  It will just make life easier to throw a gift in a bag and tie a ribbon around it and be done.  This makes my husband extremely happy. :-)

I also made a felt circle garland.  We cut out the circles last summer using my Mom's die cut machine, which I love!  I purchased clear thread and it took about 10 minutes to arrange and sew them together.  So easy and fun!   Now all of a sudden I am excited to start another project...I guess we will see.

Here are some pictures from our park visit last month.  It was HOT but fun!

Jack would clap for himself every time he would throw a rock!

Jack was in a hurry to see as much as he could see.

He was quite tired when we got home and decided to make himself a cozy place to rest!