You know it is time for a haircut when you wake up from your nap looking like this!
Jack started taking my pots out of the kitchen on a daily basis so I purchased a child size set for his birthday this year. I guess we will find out in a few months if he likes them as much as the real thing!
We have gotten lots of joy out of our tomato plant this month.
I don't think I have ever heard the word "yum" more than when Jack ate bruschetta for the first time!
We visited our local county fair one evening. Jack loved the petting zoo, fair food, people watching, spending time with his grandparents and keeping tabs on the helicopter rides flying above us.
He coaxed this horse out of the corner and we all enjoyed watching their interactions.
He was so happy with himself!
Jack has discovered pockets! He proudly struts around with my cell phone in his shirt pocket but nothing is cuter than when he just walks around with his hand in his pocket. The other day, all three of us were in the grocery store for a quick trip. Jack was thrilled that on this visit he was allowed to walk around while holding Seth's hand. At one point, Seth had me turn around to see Jack happily walking beside his dad, one hand holding his and the other in his pocket. It melted this mom's heart! Love that boy! :-)