Water Play
Oh, how he loves to dig!
He will also spend so much time transferring grain, fuzzy pom poms, googly eyes etc. from one bowl to the next.
Googly Eyes
Yes, they get their own category! He loves them and will find multiple uses for them. I bought pool noodles to put under our couches to help eliminate the toys that need fishing out. They didn't quite serve their purpose so I returned them but not before Jack sent every one of his plastic eyes down the hole! He also gave his metal cars a ride down them too. He had a blast!
(Yes, we are still wearing Christmas pj's. I'm working on that!)
Ironically, I'm pretty sure we had some under the couch after this activity.
Homemade Play Dough
We both really enjoyed this one. Though, I think he liked the actual making of the play dough more than playing with it.
He dumped all the ingredients in.
Here he is correcting himself after a little spill. All of his transferring back and forth has resulted in quite good hand-eye coordination.
He picked blue. I must say this dough is far superior to store bought. So soft and pliable. So fun!
We got out his play dough kit and he played away...for awhile.
I guess the Legos in the other room were much more exciting.
Until next time, play dough!
What activities have your toddlers enjoyed?