
Monday, November 29, 2010

Moving On Up

 "Wow, this is a much better view!"

Jack had his 1 year appointment.  He is 20.2 lbs. and 30inches long.  30 inches was the limit on his infant car seat and he really was getting too big for it. 

"Hmmm...this is very interesting." 

I just love talking to him and peeking at him in the rear view mirror now.  Don't you wonder what they are thinking as they look at the passing world? 


  1. They look so much older when they move to a big boy seat! Love the slightly confused expression on his face...

  2. So fun! I think our trips were a little quieter the first few days after I turned Abigail's seat. I can't wait for Luke to join in the fun!

  3. Such a nice pic of Jack-such a promotion! He is beautiful!

  4. Yeah!! I've always loved the switch from rear to front-facing!!


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