
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 31

   I did it!!! I posted every day this month!!!

I learned a few things during this challenge...

My husband is even more competitive than I am!  Well, I guess I already knew that but he really didn't want to see me fail this project. A couple of times he had to drag me kicking and screaming make sure that I posted for the day.  Love him. ♥

I have a new appreciation for those people who post every day.  It can be a lot of work and I think I might get burnt out or either run out of things to say.

My mom is sad to see this challenge end.  She really doesn't get sick of seeing her grand kids every day (imagine that)!  I will do my best to post more regularly, Mom. :-)

All in all, I'm happy I did it and I might even have to come up with something else to challenge myself with on the blog.  Does anyone have some great ideas?!

 This is how we put Jack to bed every night. 
 He knows the, blankets, bunny bear and book all snuggled up in his chair.

I leave you with a picture of my first cut hydrangeas of the season, my favorite!


  1. Hooray for you!

    Bedtime pictures are so sweet...and your hydrangeas are beautiful!

  2. Woo-hoo! :) Congratulations on doing it! FWIW, my weekly post with a picture of each day has been working really well for me. I've REALLY enjoyed the challenge of taking a picture every. single. day. It's helped me to appreciate the everydayness of life and also to capture moments I wouldn't have thought to capture otherwise. And as far as posting, 7 pictures really isn't too hard and you don't have to say a whole lot about each one. I can pretty much always manage seven--it's the longer posts that I never get around to. ;)

  3. You did it- thanks I loved seeing your days even from afar! We're glad bunny bear remains a favorite. :)

  4. I am sure the grandmas really benefited form this challenge but it was good for you, too! The flowers are beautiful-they dry and last a long time, too , you know.

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  6. Yeah! Luke and I looked through some posts this morning. He exclaimed "Jack Jack"! I thought he forgot but nope. He likes Ella too - "oh, baby".


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