
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tales of a Seam Ripper

So, last weekend I decided to make the new patio chair cushions.  I actually found some outdoor fabric at the Walmarts.  There was no selection.  Just one choice so, moss colored cushions it shall be.  The bad news is that I didn't get enough fabric the first time and I had to go back again for more, ugh.  The really bad news is that I had an extreme case of mental block and had to rip out my seam twice before getting the strings put on the right way.  I thought I had it it all figured by the time I got to the last cushion 2 days later...nope, I did it again!  It only happened once this time so, I was getting slightly smarter.  I really don't know what my issues are.

This kind of fabric isn't very forgiving especially on a circle but, they are much better than they were.

The previous cushions lasted almost 10 years so, hopefully these ones will have a nice long life too.

Since, I was knocking out projects I decided to make a new ironing board cover also.  This has been needing to be done for a loooong time.  Sometimes you stand back and look at a finished project and just wonder, "What took me so long to do this?".  Oh well.  It is nice to have one that doesn't shift around while I iron now.  I also have a slight bit of satisfaction that the patio set and the ironing board came from Walmart and I didn't have to purchase pre-made replacements from there. Makes me smile. :-)

Gross, disgusting, embarrassing and slightly disturbing
Really?  Ironing boards and washing machines...was this the best pattern out of all of them?!

Ahhh, much better!

Here is the new board in action...Ella was swinging and Jack was intent on the vacuum.  He likes to pretend he is cutting grass.  I don't even know why we buy him toys.

"Um mom, you aren't going to make me play with a vacuum too, right?"

She was happy when I told her no, of course not. :-)

This kid has no time for pictures.  He really has a lot of grass to mow.

What is up next on my sewing agenda?  Well, this little pair of pj pants didn't make it.  

 Apparently, I didn't take into consideration the extreme movement of a toddler in non-stretch pants.
I took the elastic out of these and will use it in a new pair...cotton jersey this time!


  1. Hooray for sewing accomplishments!

  2. So nice to see the sewing projects! Remember, mistakes are just exercising sewing did fine!

  3. Happy sewing days. ;) love the pics of the kids and projects!


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