
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baking with a Baby

We have been doing a lot of baking around here.  Jack is part of the process some but I usually enjoy doing most of it while he is napping.  I have found that kamut and white wheat makes a really nice grain mixture for just about all of my bread items.  It tends to make lighter, fluffier bread that isn't so dense and heavy with wheat flavor.

Jack has recently been introduced to bread items and he can't get enough (I'm afraid he got that from me)!  This Friday's birthday cake should be a big hit!  I have been looking for a good recipe for his cake that uses the ingredients we always use (ground flour, sucanat) but it hasn't been easy.  I finally found one but it will have to be chocolate (bummer, right?!).  I will let you know how it turns out!

Here's what happens when Jack "helps" with the baking...

Little hands testing the crescent roll dough!

A bucket of grain = a nice sensory experience!

What isn't pictured are the numerous times I cleaned up the fistful's of grain!

Too bad he doesn't have a grip on sweeping yet or I would have made him do it! (hahaha!)

At least we get some yummy results!

Um yeah, there are some missing!

Jack thinks homemade pancakes and applesauce is a delightful breakfast!


  1. Save the pic of him smiling while holding the dustpan for when he is 13 and not so happy about chores! The bread looks delicious!

  2. Glad you let him help...just think of it as an investment! We love to bake together, too...although sometimes it takes some extra patience on my part. :)


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