
Thursday, June 9, 2011

A New Little Blessing

Jack gave this early birthday present to his Dad!

Some of you may have been wondering (I know my Mom was!) and it's true we will be welcoming baby #2 this December!!!  We couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised at God's perfect timing for our family.

I'm sorry about my absence around here but this pregnancy has been a little more rough than the first.  Between taking care of Jack, extreme exhaustion and sickness being on the computer was the last thing I wanted to do!  Thankfully, I seem to be feeling better and I hope to be on here to share more.

Here are a few pictures from my hiatus...

We went to my parent's house last week to celebrate Audree's birthday.
Jack "helped" pack!

Jack loved running around on my parent's deck.

Audree's cake and cupcake
She loves animals right now especially sheep!

Admiring her sheep

"Wait a want me to eat the sheep?!"

This is her 1st bite and then she proceeded to eat every marshmallow one by one!

We had a great visit but, of course it went by too fast :-(  We played badminton, went outlet shopping, found an amazing deal on Legos at the garage sales, took morning walks, visited with my friend, Rachel and just enjoyed family time! We also shared the news that I'm pregnant via an iMovie! It was a full week!
Then it was back to real life when we got home...

Jack got out his working boots!

He took some time out to have some fun too!

I joined him while enjoying part of my daily quart of pregnancy tea and not to mention up to 3 quarts of water every day.  Whatever is best for baby!


  1. I am so excited to find out if it will be another nephew or a niece! Also very thankful you are feeling better. Still can't believe you kept it a secret for three whole months even when we talked almost every single day!! I did know though... ;) Love you!!!

  2. How wonderful. Hope you continue to feel better every dy! Will be praying for your renewed strength and the baby's growth1

  3. You can never fool your mom ;) We are so excited to welcome another grand baby! Thanks for the new pics.

  4. Phew the secret is out! I had fun knowing but it was killing me. It was so good to see you again. I love the iMovie idea to announce the new baby. Praying for you and the baby!


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