
Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ever since day one Jack has loved baths! Seth and I remember giving him his first sponge bath. He was so still and peaceful. He almost fell asleep!  Once his cord fell off my Mom gave him a bath in the sink.  That was definitely one to remember!  We didn't have a baby bath tub in the beginning so he would take baths or showers with his Dad.  I have never seen a baby so relaxed in the water.  At Christmas, he got to take jacuzzi baths with the jets going...such a spoiled baby!  Now we have his cousin's baby tub and he still loves bath day.  If only he wasn't so upset when it is time to get out!  Lets hope he still loves them when he is older and actually needs to get clean!


  1. That jacuzzi picture is hysterical -- he looks mesmerized!!!

  2. Hi Bethany! I found your blog through your comment on Marsel's. :o) Congratulations! Jack is adorable!! Many blessings!


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