
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fun with my Mom

The title says it all...we had a great time with my Mom!  She got to come for 10 days and sadly the first few she spent in bed with a nasty sinus cold.  I had her try some different homeopathic and herbal remedies and thankfully it didn't turn into an infection (she was very impressed!). 

The rest of the time was spent entertaining Jack (or he entertaining us!), shopping, trying new recipes, visiting the Tea House and new cupcake shop, sewing and card making!  Jack loved having all of the attention and really misses his Gammy now :-(  He seemed to grow and change while she was here.  He walked more on his own and used his signs and words more too.  She thinks he will be running when she sees him again in about 10 weeks!

Here are a few pictures from her visit...

"Helping" his Grandma unpack!

One day Jack walked out of his room looking like this!

It didn't last very long!

Ready for lunch after church

"Wow are amazing!"

Getting into things...nothing unusual.

Playing with my Mom's IPod or IPad was top priority for Jack!

Here is what we made...a camera strap cover!
My Mom whipped it up in a matter of minutes and I love how uniquely mine it is now!

Mom boarding the plane

We loved having you here and we didn't want to see you go.
Come again soon, please!


  1. So glad you had a great visit-we always name the time until we will see each other again, too. It softens the blow of goodbyes!

  2. Can't decide if these pics make me happy or sad! I miss you, but we always have the memories and the hope to see you all in June.

  3. Goodbyes are matter how many years you've been saying them (we're almost at thirteen years now) they're still just as bad! But my mom and I always remind ourselves that the time together is worth the goodbye. Glad you had a great time!


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