
Saturday, February 13, 2010

3 Months!

Jack turned 3 months on Friday. Sorry I didn't realize my flash reflected off the star and covered up the 3! We did his stats at home.

Height- 25"
Weight- 13 lbs.
Head- 16"

He is starting to grab onto things that interest him. He loves his ABC soft toy that hangs near the changing table. He used to stare and talk to us but now he only has eyes for the ABC's! Thanks Great Grampa and Gramma Luerssen!

He also is laughing and "talking" to us a lot now! It is funny to watch what tickles his funny bone!

He is sleeping pretty good now. He still wakes up 2 times a night for short feedings. However, he is going through a growth spurt right now. He thrilled me when he slept a 6 hour stretch one night! That was quickly followed by 3 straight nights of waking up every 2 hours to eat! I am praying his night time hunger subsides soon and he decides sleeping through the night is wonderful!

Happy 3 months Jack! We love you!


  1. He's looking less and less newborn, more and more baby...doesn't it fly by?!

  2. 3 months already! I am so excited to see him again.


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