
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowed in

Well the 2009-2010 winter has been a wild one here! You know it is bad when you are creeping closer to Syracuse's snowfall totals (just kidding, I think...)! We are used to inches of ice not feet of snow :-) So, to say the least they have had a hard time keeping up with the storm's fury on the roads.
Oh the shoveling!

Seth had to work nights in this crazy mess. So, Jack and I had to stay busy together. We had fun "talking" to each other, playing and of course eating! I also stayed busy reading, crafting, doing laundry (cloth diapers aren't going to wash themselves!) and don't forget shoveling!
Jack visiting with Sophie the giraffe!
Does that bib taste good?!
He looks so grown up!
I made these felted wool balls. Lots of fun!


  1. Your pictures are so cute! He IS getting so big.

  2. Seth looks really happy about all that snow (or at least about having his picture taken in all that snow!). :)

    Looks like you did fun stuff during the storm. The balls are very cool!

  3. You might as well move to NY! Jack just gets cuter in every pic. I can hardly wait to see you next month and go for tea and scones!


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