
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcome Spring!

What better way to celebrate the 1st day of spring than a family picnic and hike! On Saturday, we headed to George Washington National Forest to a new hiking spot. It was supposed to be a moderate hike but we were not so sure once we saw it. It actually was a bit scary.  It was very rocky and the trail had steep drop offs the whole way up.  I kept thinking maybe this wasn't such a good trail for a baby and I couldn't believe it when I saw a man with 2 small boys hiking up it on our way down.  However, the views from the top were breathtaking! It also was fun to leave since we were going downhill :-) We usually hike to see a waterfall but that means when you leave you are hiking up!

Jack did really well.  He seems to enjoy being out in nature and that makes us very happy! Unfortunately, by the time he saw everything he wanted to see we were almost back to the bottom and he was asleep. We then got a chance to enjoy the nearby river while he napped.

Jack and I also have been seeing signs of Spring on our walks.  We think Spring is here to stay but we keep hearing rumors of another big snow storm.  I think it better stay away...I already put the shovel in storage!

Sporting his new shades!


  1. Jack looks pretty happy to have enjoyed his first 'first day of spring'! :)

  2. So glad he enjoyed being outside with you! We have so many happy years of family hikes etc!

  3. Great pics! I love the shades- gotta protect those eyes!


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