
Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh, how we missed you!

What did we miss?  Homemade whole wheat bread!  It has been about a year since I have made bread and I thought it was time to get back into the swing of things. =)

Back when we were not sure why I wasn't getting pregnant, I started researching health and food. We made some good changes and then a lady from my church introduced me to grinding grain.  I was convinced it was very healthy for us and in Nov. 2006 I bought a grain mill.  I haven't bought a bag of flour in over 3 years!  I have experimented with all kinds of grain and wheat, spelt and kamut are our favorites.  Anything that calls for flour I use one of these grains to make it.  We usually get very yummy results but there have been a few disappointments! I look forward to trying out some more recipes this year...maybe tortillas :)

Fresh ground flour

I decided to celebrate ending my bread making hiatus by making one of the loaves a cinnamon/sucanat swirl bread.  Mmmm :-)  It is very delicious and I know the perfect person who would love a loaf (I will try to bring one, Dad!).


Lastly, what's a post without pictures of the baby?!  He was drooling over our breakfast...

      "Just one bite, please!"

and this is what happens after you spit up on yourself for the 3rd time!  I'm off to do laundry!


  1. Fresh bread is always a hit here, too...there's nothing quite so good! :)

  2. I would give up a lot of things to eat but fresh baked (and milled) bread isn't one of them! I can almost smell your cinnamon loaf!
    Your son steals the post as usual!

  3. It's a terrible thing to make me drool on my key board! Jack also looks good enough to eat- well maybe just to kiss:)


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