
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1st Mother's Day!

My first Mother's Day was amazing!  Just being able to celebrate this holiday is enough of a gift  but we also did a fun overnight trip on top of that!  We decided it was time to make the switch from a PC to an Apple (it is going to be delivered this week!) and we wanted to view the laptops in person.  So, an impromptu visit to the DC area allowed us to go to not one but two Apple stores!  We got our questions answered and made our decisions and then spent the rest of the time shopping, trying out a new-to-us restaurant, The Cheesecake Factory (yummy!) and hanging out at the hotel.  We had a great weekend as a family and Jack did surprisingly well sleeping in a new place.  I didn't pull my camera out much but we did get some Mother's Day pictures.

"Oh Jack!  No working while we are on vacation!"
Thanks for taking a break, buddy!
My favorite guys!

Jack and I are headed to NY to visit my family for a couple of weeks!  Audree is turning one and we want to be there for the big event! I will try to update when I can...


  1. What a blessing the Lord has bestowed upon you! Have a wonderful time in NY-share a hug from me!

  2. Motherhood is an awesome, wonderful gift!!! Have a great trip to NY.


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