
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Welcome December!  It is such an exciting time of the year full of family, friends, baking, crafting, giving and traditions.  One tradition that I loved celebrating was advent.   It is such a good way to focus on the birth of Christ and the reason He came to earth.  When I was growing up our family used an advent book that we really looked forward to reading.  We would make a special candle purchase the day after Thanksgiving. Then we would create our holders from the recipe in the book, in anticipation of lighting our candles each Sunday in December.  I loved that time as a family reading the Bible and singing Christmas carols.  I see the importance of advent even more now that I have my own family.

It also is fun to count down the days until Christmas.  Every year, my Grandma gave each of the 4 kids in my family an advent calendar on Thanksgiving.  Oh, how we all loved those calendars!  So much so, that I made a game out of them that we ended up playing every year after that.  Seth's Grandparents also got him a calendar for his 1st Christmas which his Mom lovingly saved and gave to us recently.

Isn't it wonderful?!
This one was made in Germany and the way the tree lights up when you hold it up to the light is brilliant!  I plan on framing this so Jack can enjoy this each Christmas just like his Dad did.

A few years after I was married, my Mom and I made some fun snowman advents.  Every morning I put a new tag in the slot and I think Jack will like doing this one next year.

Over the years, I have seen several advents I would like to put together.  I just saw this one the other day and I think it will have to go on the list...a book advent calendar!  One other idea is to write down an activity for the day (bake cookies, make gifts, donate old toys, decorate the tree, etc.) and have them open one every day.  I personally would like to hang small drawstring bags (or mittens, stockings) with the numbers sewn on and then you can throw in a small gift once in a while also.  Such fun!

How do you like to celebrate advent?


  1. Although I haven't had time to decorate since we got back from our trip, I went to the basement today and dug out our Advent calendar so that the kids could start it tonight. Ours is a reusable fabric one that a friend gave us a few years ago.

  2. I love the antique one you have been given; I never had one growing up or did one with the kids. I think the closest I ever got to an advent calendar is the paper chains where you pull off one each night until only one remains for Christmas Eve....

  3. It's so nice to hear you remember positive spirit building examples from growing up! Praise God for Grandma D and her tradition of giving you advent calendars each year.


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