
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

11 Months!

11 months!

Today Jack turned 11 months!  There have been some big changes since last month.  He got another tooth on the bottom.  He says "uh-oh" multiple times a day.  He doesn't always say it in the right context but most of the time he is right!  The big news is that he is standing!  He thinks it is quite fun to pull up on all kinds of things until he realizes he has to get back down. :-)

This is the last time for the star so, Jack was thrilled to finally get the chance to touch it...

and this is why he wasn't allowed to touch it the previous months!

This is Jack's "scanimation" book that his Dad got him on his recent work trip. It is such a fun book to read to him. He smiles so big when the animals move!

One morning, Jack thought it was necessary to push the vacuum out of the laundry room. He is such a crazy baby!

Here is a little glimpse into how his curiosity gets him into trouble sometimes...
He didn't think it was funny but I had to laugh and grab my camera (of course)!

I am having a hard time believing that next month he will be 1 year old!  We love you so much buddy!


  1. You have so many good pics of Jack-he is the star!

  2. What a sweetie!!! It's been watching him grow--especially with him being just 5 months ahead of Matthew!

  3. Sorry ... It's been _fun_ watching him grow! :o)

  4. It is a blessing to see the changes- just wish I could see them in person!


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