
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas at Home Part 2

Here is round two of our family's Christmas.  No pictures of the parents but who wants to see those anyway. ;-)  Jack received a homemade nesting rainbow that was painstakingly lovingly cut out by his grandad.  It took many hours because it turns out a scroll saw isn't the best tool for this project.  Sorry about that Dad!   Boy is it nice though!  I especially love the price of less than $5 as compared to the $80 German version!  Jack loves it too and I can't wait to see his creativity as he grows and comes up with more uses for it.

  His exclamation to lots of things.

I painted it in true Roy G. Biv fashion!

He thought his mouth was a necessary tool in opening gifts.

He got beeswax crayons and a mama made art book.

His phone was a hit.  He made many calls that day!

"Mom, please can I touch that fancy new camera?"
Aren't these jammies adorable?!
They were a Christmas gift from my Mom and we just had to snuggle his cuteness all day!

I think he found the legos the most fun though...

his eyes just lit up when he saw this...

a very tall tower that just needed to be knocked down!

He also got some musical instruments and a Plan Toys car (an amazing thrift store find!).  It was a wonderful time as we celebrated our Savior's birth together and the family He gave us.


  1. He's especially cute in those pajamas! Glad you painted the rainbow in true rainbow out-of-order rainbow is one of my pet peeves. :)

  2. I think Jack and Luke got some of the same toys!

    Love the jammies!

  3. Wow is right, Jack! I love the rainbow your grandad made for you.

  4. I noticed the Roy G. Biv too!! I love that rainbow, I'm going to have to get one for my house too :)


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