
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jack Update

Here are some Jack tidbits...
Jack turned 14 months today.  He got another tooth last month.  He still is a very good eater although, he has started to show a preference for some foods over others.  I introduced crayons to him today and the first thing he did was try to put one in his mouth.  I think he was very disappointed when he discovered they were not for eating!  I made some pretty pictures though. :-)

He still isn't walking on his own yet.  He likes to push his wagon around and he has been standing by himself for longer stretches of time.  At his 1 year dr. appointment, the doctor said it wasn't a matter of he can't (walk) it's just a matter of will.  Jack has a lot of that so, we may be watching him crawl for quite a while. ;-)

Jack is full of personality and makes us laugh multiple times a day.  The church nursery workers call him a "delight".  He is very friendly while we are out and about and usually has strangers smiling or laughing at him. A cute thing he has started to do is lay flat on the floor and try to look under closed doors. He will wiggle his little fingers or push things through the crack.  It makes me smile because I used to do the same thing to my brother...poor boy couldn't get away from me!

During the day he will randomly hug me and give me "kisses".  He is such a sweet snuggle bug.  He also is saying quite a few words...hi, wow, dad, on, osss (off), ding, uh-oh, done, nigh nigh (night-night), no and um (yum).  He understands more words than these and can (usually) follow simple instructions.  However, he can be quite stubborn at times and like any 1 year old he tries to push the limits.  He really keeps me moving!

Some of his favorite things right, books, blocks, wrestling, phones, flashlights, food and his bed time blankets and bears.  We love you Jack-Jack!

"Look out I come!"

He really gets going fast!

Jack helping himself to an appetizer while I was making dinner.  

 Looking cute while he watches me vacuum!

My little businessman!


  1. His face is starting to take on more toddlerish angles and losing some of the baby...happy/sad!

    My David didn't start walking until he was 17 1/2 months, but let me tell you...he has moved and run enough since then to more than make up for his late start on walking! Enjoy the slower pace for now, my friend!!!

  2. He looks pretty mobile to me! I am glad he takes time out for snuggles!

  3. That last picture of Jack is ABSOLUTELY adorable!!! Love it, love it, love it!!! :o)

  4. Now Ma, run that by me again. Was that 1,000 shares of IBM you wanted?


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