
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Surprise Weather

Jack has transitioned to 1 nap a day within the past few weeks.  It isn't always easy since he still gets tired sometimes towards lunch.  I try to keep him busy with interesting things but it usually doesn't last long.  Out of desperation the other day,  I pulled out my ribbon jar and let him rip all the contents out of it explore it!

I walked out of the room and returned to find this!

I saw a lump under his shirt and I couldn't figure out what it was!

Under his shirt and his undershirt, I found this...baker's twine!
I'm really not sure how he managed that one.

Boy was I glad when it was 65 degrees Thursday so we could enjoy the warm weather at the park!  It was Jack's first time and he really seemed to enjoy himself.  I stuck him in a swing and gave him a brisk push...big mistake.  Poor boy.  He really doesn't like feeling out of control and he had the same reaction to the slide.  He finally relaxed and began to show his adventurous side.
The swing death grip!

"Hey Dad, there's an empty one behind you."

"Okay, this is fun!"

"There is something else to do besides this. Right?"

"Now we are talking..."

"Hold on.  I found something really fun!"

(very exciting to a 1 year old boy!)

He likes sitting on the slide just not sliding down the slide.

Time to play with the rocks. again.

Snuggling Dad by the pond

Adoring his Dad

Laughing in the sunshine

What a fun family time!


  1. The day in the life of Jack is always wonderful. The photo of him looking up to his Dad is priceless.........

  2. Didn't take too long for that classic Jack smile to come out of hiding! The picture of him looking up at his dad is a framer!


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