
Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 11

We had another sewing day and it was Ella's turn to be the happy recipient. 

I put together 2 new bibs for her and was quite surprised and thrilled that they went off without a hitch!  Except, for an emergency run to the Walmarts for some Velcro it was quite enjoyable.  We called it an adventure because a.) going to the Walmarts is always an adventure and 2.) I'm proud of myself for getting everyone ready, out the door and back again before someone needed a nap or food.  Thankfully, we got in and out with no problems and with some new peach tea to try!  

Side note: I read a funny blog post the other day about the Walmarts and she is the reason I call it that now.  It just seems appropriate. For your reading enjoyment! Funny, right?

Anyway, it was another fun day of sewing.  I have to decide if there is anything else I want to make because I sort of need my dining room back.  Oh a craft room, I'm dreaming about you now.


  1. Cute, cute bib! The Walmarts story was silly ;).

  2. May she ever love what you sew for her! Nice work!

  3. May she ever love what you sew for her! Very nice work. And btw, who needs a dining room!? Priorities!


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