
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 16

I made a big bowl of popcorn for snack today.  We had a popcorn picnic!

We LOVE popcorn.

This actually has no butter in it (not that we are against butter, we were just out of it) and it was really good.  We cook our popcorn in coconut oil and then we add salt and nutritional yeast.

We are new to nutritional yeast.  It adds a slight cheese flavor + health benefits to an already healthy snack.  I'm all for that.

Jack loves popcorn too but he just had to finish his puzzle first. :-)


  1. I spy a striped napkin next to your popcorn and puzzle- very nice!

    1. Good eye! Yes, that is one of the kid's napkins I made the other day.

  2. I <3 popcorn too! Stove popped is my favorite.
    ~ Julie Kline


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