
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 13

Mothers are special people.
Here are just a few things about my Mom that put a smile on my face...

1. She is an amazing crafting lady.  Whether it was sewing us (or our dolls) clothes, stamping cards, paper crafting of any sort or even doing our hair.  She has some serious skills!

2. She loves her cats! We always had a cat when I was growing up and no matter how silly, grumpy, frustrating or crazy they were she has a special place in her heart for those felines...and always will.

3. She knows how to have fun!  She would play rousing card games, take us swimming, play badminton, turn mini vacations into wonderful adventures, dress Barbies with us and watch our silly homemade performances. True love.

4. She can whistle really loud! No matter where we were, if we heard that familiar whistle we knew to come right away. I need to learn to whistle like that.

5. She took me shopping and endured my overly penny-pinching ways.  She even bought me a calzone while she listened to me explain the pros and cons of making the purchase. True patience.

6. She created holiday traditions that bring such fond memories that I want to recreate them for my own family.

  Thanks for your great example, Mom and for being such a wonderful Gammy.  

Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful Moms!

We Love You! ♥


  1. Very nice! Hope you had a great day yourself!
    You do have a special mom!

  2. Sorry I didn't see this yesterday- thanks for the kind words ;) I love you so much- even more than the furry members of the family!


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